News Alert: Enforcing UK Judgements in The UAE: A Step Forward

On 13 September 2022, the International Cooperation Department of the UAE Ministry of Justice issued a circular to the Dubai courts confirming the reciprocity of enforcing and executing judgments of the English courts in the UAE (the “Circular”). The Circular established that the reciprocity requirement provided for under Article 85...

MBH Successfully Hosts The FDI Moot For The Second Time

Matouk Bassiouny & Hennawy’s arbitration team successfully hosted the Egyptian National Rounds of the FDI Moot for the second time. On the 20th & 21st of August 2021 teams from a range of Egyptian universities participated in the competition: Ain Shams University, Cairo University – English Section, Tanta University and...

Algeria: Importation & Distribution in the Automotive Sector

This legal update provides a recap on the on-going material regulatory changes affecting importation activities in Algeria, with a focus on the Algerian automobile dealer industry.Importation activities subject to the 49/51 ruleIn a move to boost investments, the Algerian Finance Law for 2020 (promulgated on 30 December 2019) has lifted...

The AlexU-CRCICA Conference

It was with pleasure that our Partner and Head of the Arbitration Department, Dr. Amr A. Abbas, participated in a panel of experts discussing Virtual Examination of Experts and Witnesses at the Time of COVID-19. Dr. Abbas discussed actual experience of MBH in conducting virtual examinations in hearings held during...